- detergent
- gloves
- ammonia
- an old toothbrush
Mix a solution of 1 part detergent to 1 part ammonia. Do make sure you wear gloves when you mix, otherwise you can burn your hands. To make it easy, use the measuring cup that comes with the container of detergent. Caution: Do not let any of the solution come into contact with the eye, as this will cause severe irritation and discomfort.
Turn the shirt inside out and put it flat on a thick white towel. You can use any colored towel, but make sure it has been washed many times to ensure the color will not bleach. If there is any doubt, use a white towel. It is much safer, plus help the white towel be brighter after wash.
Pour a small amount of the solution onto the entire underarm area. It is not an issue that the solution get to other parts of the dirty clothes. Just make sure most of the solution is where it requires to be. Use an old toothbrush to gently rub the solution in circular motion into the fabric of the shirt. Do this less than 1 minute. The toothbrush will help by allowing the solution to penetrate into the material. After you have rubbed the toothbrush over the entire underarm area and dirty areas of the clothes, allow the solution to rest for 20 to 30 minutes. After that, you can place all the other laundry along with the dirty clothing you have been working on into the washing machine. If you are able to have warm-hot water, use it. If not, normal room temperature water will do just fine.
Pick-up and Delivery is Available
Dry Cleaning and Laundry Services
34-1 Jalan Puteri 7/10,
Bandar Puteri Puchong,
47100 Puchong, Selangor
Call us now on +60126351130
Email: rainbowlaundryservices@gmail.com
Email: rainbowlaundryservices@gmail.com
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