Cleanpro™ started its business in laundry industry as a detergent & chemical manufacturer / supplier. Our chemical product range has increase from a basic set of detergent into a full range, which covers the laundry processes from pre-spotting to washing and finishing of garments. Moreover, we have further expand our chemical product range to a general household products such as hand wash, dish wash, floor cleaner, toilet cleaner, etc.
In line with our experience gained in the laundry machine servicing sector for more than 10 years, we started our involvement in trading a variety brand of laundry machines. As our company grows, we have successfully developed our in-house brand laundry machines under the name of Cleanpro™. With the in-house brand machines, we are able to have better control of the machine quality and provides better technical support and after sales service to our customers.
In order to cater for customer varies needs of machine choices, we also play a role as local distributor for varies world well known brand of laundry machines. Indeed, we have recently become sole distributor for Dexter Laundry Corp., United States.
By combining all services provided by us, Cleanpro™ has further upgrade to become one of the active companies in providing a total solution to our clients in laundry industry. We work hand in hand with our clients in setting up, improving and upgrading towards profitable laundry businesses.
By implementation of our CleanPro Laundry Systems ™, we offer our clients a total package of support and solution in the entire process of preliminary study, setting up, operating, maintaining and growing the laundry business in accordance to our clients’ specification, budget and timeline.
Main categories of services that we offer in our CleanPro Laundry Systems ™ are:
Business Privilege Program
Consultation & Technical Support
Machinery & Equipments
Detergent & Chemical
Machinery Repair & Troubleshooting
CleanPro Training Center
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Let us be your partner of one stop solution for quality equipments & business privilege solution.
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